Tools for Personal and Transpersonal Wellbeing
Personal Therapy - Relationship Coaching - Growth Work
While many things might bring us to getting assistance and guidance in life, most often it's a feeling we are at a threshold where change has become imperative.
Sometimes, the pain or lack of clarity we're living with is just no longer tolerable. Other times, the sense of what's possible is beckoning to us and we must respond to the call.
In either case, my skills and years of experience can be tremendous allies in your work.

Tools for Personal and Transpersonal Wellbeing
Personal Therapy - Relationship Coaching - Growth Work
While many things might bring us to getting assistance and guidance in life, most often it's a feeling we are at a threshold where change has become imperative.
Sometimes, the pain or lack of clarity we're living with is just no longer tolerable. Other times, the sense of what's possible is beckoning to us and we must respond to the call.
In either case, my skills and years of experience can be a tremendous ally in your work.
My commitment is to help you feel your full self and reach for your highest potential.
Contact me to schedule a free initial consultation.
I create a warm, attuned and dynamic environment where you can overcome the hindrances that block fulfillment and make use of your opportunities for new growth and transformation.
Meeting Life’s Challenges
We all need a little help sometimes. Emotional and nervous system disturbances, unintegrated inner voices or underdeveloped life skills may make it hard to function the way we want to. Work and career challenges, parenting worries or other difficulties can create high stress situations that require extra support and better tools to cope successfully with. Life transitions of all kinds go easier when we have a place to get perspective and get some reflection from an experienced guide.
Relationship Coaching and Intimacy Enhancement
Deep Personal Change and Spiritual Growth
Transforming repetitive patterns of thought and feeling is the key to making deep change in your personality and your outer life. Difficult childhood dilemmas and traumas as well as normal adversities create deep-seated habits of being that limit us. In sessions we can help you restore your core vitality and relate to your life with fewer distortions. This leads to "soul growth" and increased ability to center in the living flow of the subtle body rather than in the dualistic mind.